Killing Vegans

The editor of Waitrose Food resigned after sending an email to one of his writers saying How about a series on killing vegans one by one.” William Sitwell wrote about killing vegans.  He also stated on the email for vegans to eat steak and drink red wine and also to force-feed them meat.  This had all started when the food journalist Selene Nelson suggested a plant-based series for the Waitrose magazine.  Waitrose magazine was founded in 1904 and is the food and recipe publication for the upmarket British supermarket chain.  Nelson commented that before this happened she had met many people that have expressed this kind of hate towards a plant-based lifestyle.  Although not every one practises this type of lifestyle we should all show respect to one another.

A recent survey declared that there could be around 3.5 million vegans in the U.K.  A lot of people are cutting out meat or slowly adapting to a plant-based lifestyle due to health reasons, feelings and strong emotions towards animals and finally the environment.  Huge reductions in meat-eating are beneficial towards our environment, in order to avoid climate change, greenhouse gases and deforestation.  Like every other change, switching to a vegan lifestyle can be challenging however if one takes his time and really focus on the why factor, it is possible.  
William Sitwell offered an apology on his Instagram account as this went a bit too far “to any food- and life-loving vegan who was genuinely offended by remarks written by me as an ill-judged joke in a private email and now widely reported.”  He continued by saying that even though it was a private email, it was harsh and insensitive for him to write those strong words.


  1. I really enjoyed reading this post, I have been a vegan for 3 months now and can't wait to read your next article.

    1. That is great to hear and I thank you for your reply.

  2. Always impressed! You are so talented xx


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